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Writer's picturerobert porter

Five Surprising Reasons I'm Thrilled My Pet Moggie Isn't a Ferocious Vampire Cat

Have you ever looked at your pet and wondered, "What if?" Well, I did. And trust me, it was a spooky, yet amusing train of thought! It all started when I snapped a photo of my pet cat yawning. In the shot, he looked nothing short of a ferocious vampire cat, with eyes glowing a fierce red, back arched, fangs bared. It was a moment of Halloween-esque glory that led me to a heartfelt appreciation of his non-vampire status. Here's why:

As a precursor, here's the rub. Let's face it, at the end of the day who wants a moggie like this:

Basically, it's the stuff of nightmares. How could you let your cat sleep beside you on your bed if there was the slightest possibility of it turning out like this...??!!

Other than that obvious point, here are five surprising reasons:

1. Midnight Cuddles Over Midnight Frights

There's something deeply comforting about a purring cat nestled on your lap. Now, imagine if that comforting presence turned into a mini Dracula every night. Instead of the gentle purr, I'd be listening for the soft rustling of wings or the ominous click of fangs. Thanks, but I prefer my moggie's soothing presence over the suspense of a horror movie scene in my living room!

2. The Joy of Sunbathing Companions

One of life's simple pleasures is watching my cat bask in the sunlight streaming through the window. If he were a vampire, he'd be more likely to combust than to curl up contentedly in a sunbeam. There goes our lazy Sunday afternoons of sunbathing. Plus, I'd have to invest in some heavy-duty curtains!

3. Garlic? Yes, Please!

I love cooking with garlic. It's a staple in my kitchen. But imagine the plight of living with a vampire cat. Every stir-fry, every pasta dish, would be a potential hazard. I can just see the drama: me, cooking up a storm with garlic, and my vampire moggie hissing in the background. Not exactly conducive to a peaceful culinary experience.

4. No Need for a Wooden Stake Bed

Sleep is sacred. But with a vampire cat, I'd probably have to swap my cosy bed for a fortress-like setup, complete with wooden stakes and holy water. Imagine trying to explain that to guests! "Oh, don't mind the Gothic décor; it's just to keep my pet cat at bay." Yeah, that's not going to raise any eyebrows.

5. Vet Visits: Spooky Edition

Vet visits are already an adventure, but with a vampire cat? That's a whole new level of excitement. I can picture the vet's face when I explain why my cat needs a blood count... and not for the usual reasons. Plus, I'm not sure how well a vampire cat would take to the standard vaccinations. Something tells me it would be more complicated than a mere hiss and scratch.

In conclusion, while the image of my cat looking like a vampire was amusing and momentarily thrilling, I'm more than happy with my non-vampire, purring, sun-loving, garlic-tolerant moggie. Life is certainly less spooky and a lot more cuddly with him just the way he is.

Until next time, keep embracing the joy of the ordinary – sometimes, it's more extraordinary than you think!

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